Upper Sacramento River
The Upper Sac is in great shape, and the wading is no longer combat style. With more run off to continue for a while the water temp and level should remain exceptional for a little while longer. Not seeing as many Golden Stones as I had earlier in the season. But have been picking up fish on other bugs. Also, the evening dry fly fishing has been pretty good and worth sticking around for. Short line nymphing has been good and getting the fly down fast is the key. With the water clarity being exceptionally clear. You will need to bring you’re a game when it comes to wading. Swinging a soft hackle, or other fly that has a lot of movement to it on a dry line in the tail outs has been productive.
Hot Flies Upper Sacramento River:
- Gordon Prince nymph
- Brown bird nest, olive birds’ nest.
- Copper Johns, Black and Red >
- Golden Stones nymphs
- Olive Micro May fly
Fall River
Last part of June and into July means Hex (Hexagenia Limbate) time on Fall River. The Hex this year had a good start early. Then we got some cold days and that put it off for a while. But it is back for a while and doing pretty good. But as usual the Hex can be a crap shoot. It can be In one spot one night and another the next. There is an exceptional amount of fish in Fall River this year. Great numbers of fish in the 10’’ to 16’’ range and a good number of fish in the 17’’ to 20’’ range. The best part of it is the fish are spread out throughout the river. The hatches have been good this season and with any luck will continue throughout the year. With the Callibaetis starting to show up already, Fall River should be a good bet this season.
Hot Flies Fall River
- Micro May fly blk and olive
- Soft Hackle PT
- Damsel fly nymph olive and tan
- Zug Bug
- Parachute PMD
- Olive hackle stacker
- Tan loop wings
- Black and green caddis
- Cinnamon horned caddis .
Pit River
The Pit River flows are getting down to around 350 cfs and clarity is starting to show signs of normalcy. It is the hardest river to wade we have in the North State. So, caution and a wading staff are a must. It has been fishing pretty good the last week and I have heard some good reports on it from other anglers I have talked to this past week. Pit Three has showed light angling pressure and those that I have talked to have had decent success.
Hot Flies Pit River
- Black and Brown Rubber legs
- Black AP
- Green, Brown, Black, Birds nest
- Gordon prince
- Tan and Green Zwing caddis
- Black and Green Copper Johns
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