Unlike the economy, the fishing seems to be on the up-swing. I just fished Baum Lake with a friend of mine who works at Fall River Outfitters, the new sporting goods shop in Fall River Mills. The fishing was real good - a successful day with landing at least two dozen nice Browns! The Calabaetis have not yet started, but it won’t be long. The fish seemed to be very eager to take any nymph we swung or fished under the indicator. There was not a huge amount of fish on top but those that were there … [Read more...]
Spring Fever in Northern California
Well, it's hard to tell if winter is over or if it just hasn't yet got under way! Whatever it is, these spring-like conditions have been pretty good for the fishing and fishing conditions. The Lower Sacramento is fishing well and Baum Lake is doing EXCELLENT! I took a drive up to Lake McCumber and there was still a lot of ice up there. When it breaks up enough to fish, it looks like the lake itself will be low. The Trinity River is in dire need of rain in order to get a fresh run of fish coming … [Read more...]