Putting Fall River in your future fishing plans for the new season.Fishing on Baum Lake has been good so far this winter, and I have enjoyed the time spent out there so far. I can’t stop thinking about the up and coming trout season on Fall River and other Northern CA waters. Conditions so far this winter have been extremely favorable for a good opener at the end of April. Now is the time to start getting your bookings in for guiding, and lodging. My June is about halfway booked, but May … [Read more...]
September And October On Fall River
Fishing in the fall or Autumn on Fall River can be a real treat. Its at that time of year that the colors change, temperature drops and we start to get Indian summer days. The waters start to go into a metamorphosis, it’s the final change of weather before winter. If the cycle makes the full change (if we don’t go into a drought) Then everything changes with it. The bugs change, water temperature changes, and the time of day when the window of opportunity is best changes also. It’s a good time … [Read more...]
Fishing Report: July 8, 2019
Upper Sacramento River The Upper Sac is in great shape, and the wading is no longer combat style. With more run off to continue for a while the water temp and level should remain exceptional for a little while longer. Not seeing as many Golden Stones as I had earlier in the season. But have been picking up fish on other bugs. Also, the evening dry fly fishing has been pretty good and worth sticking around for. Short line nymphing has been good and getting the fly down fast is the key. With the … [Read more...]
Reading The Water
There are many different facets to fly fishing. So many that learning them all in one lifetime is close to impossible. Once you think you have mastered trout fishing, someone then takes you steelhead fishing and everything changes. Now think about adding salt water fishing, bass fishing, and maybe some salmon fishing. Then you have fly tying in all its glory with different fly patterns, materials, hooks and other paraphernalia. So, you can never stop learning. Master one and a new one … [Read more...]
Fishing Report August 21: Fall River, Pit River, McCloud
FIRE, SMOKE & FISH I have been fielding a lot of calls lately about the fires. I want to thank all of you who have called to check on me and to offer assistance should I need it. The hat fire had me on edge for a few days, but the fire crews were able to get it under control quickly keeping it away from any structures. The fire coupled with the loss of power and road closures made it a little stressful. Things here at this end of the state are slowly getting back to normal. Despite the smoke … [Read more...]
Fall River Mills, California: Fly Fishing Season Opener 2018
Season opener 2018 (The 2019 Season is underway starting Saturday April 27. Expect a new post and updated fishing report that weekend) Here it is again the beginning of another fishing season in Fall River Mills California. And it has been a good one so far. We are coming off some good winter fishing where we had good numbers of huge native fish being taken on our local lakes found in and around the Fall River Valley. After battling snow, rain, and more then our share of wind it will be nice to … [Read more...]
Fall River Fishing Report: 10/11/17
"Skip the Trinity and experience classic fly fishing. You can always go fish the Trinity after the 1st of the year. Fall River awaits!"September is a closed book ending with good fishing that has ensued into mid-October. The big fish just keep coming in. Deepwater small bugs and light angler traffic are why October through mid-November offers some of the best fly fishing of the season! Expect some cloudy and light rainy days mixed with warm autumn sun. On the cloudy days, we typically have … [Read more...]
Fall River Fishing Report: 8/25/17
How has the fishing been? Has been fair to fair for the month of August. My anglers are getting into some big rainbows though! From whatI experience on the river daily just this month, my guests are averaging 3 to 5 big fish hooked up in the 18+ range. They are nice rainbows! And all the 6 to 12inch fish you can handle. So, that's fair fishing. A great day no matter what! What's the best time of day? Be on the water and in position no later than 7:am. Expect the best fishing through 1:OOPM … [Read more...]
Fall River Fishing Report: 6/22/17
What’s been happing since the opening day of trout season in the Fall River area. Well as expected, there is a lot of water in Northern CA rivers. Fall River included, Bear Creek a tributary to the Fall River is still kicking in a good amount of water. As is the rest of the system, Lava Creek, and the springs. With all this water in the system. The fish seem to be spreading out in the river more than they have in the last five years. So, if you are looking for big numbers of fish in the same … [Read more...]
Fall River Fly Fishing Report: 5/20/17
Fall River has been fishing great this spring. As we head into summer, I expect nothing but 'more good fishing'.By the middle of June, we should be into the Hexegenia Hatch. That's an evening event ( the bugs come off about 9:00 PM, no earlier) and although it's incredibly spectacular, the fish can be tough to get if the flies don't stay on the water.Hot Flies: Small brown or black nymphs in #16 ~ 18, #18 cream colored parachute PMD's (they look like an Adams, but cream colored sorta like a … [Read more...]