Fishing in the fall or Autumn on Fall River can be a real treat. Its at that time of year that the colors change, temperature drops and we start to get Indian summer days. The waters start to go into a metamorphosis, it’s the final change of weather before winter. If the cycle makes the full change (if we don’t go into a drought) Then everything changes with it. The bugs change, water temperature changes, and the time of day when the window of opportunity is best changes also. It’s a good time … [Read more...]
How To Trick Summertime Trout
When the heat picks up a lot of anglers give up on fishing. Just because the temperature picks up does not mean the fishing has to stop. Trying to trick summertime trout does not have to be as hard as people make it out to be. First you must have reasonable expectations as to how your day will go. Obviously early and late in the day are your better windows of opportunity. So now you need to think a little bit differently. Every body of water is going to have its own personality and no two … [Read more...]
Fly Fishing Secrets: What Is A Transitional Gradient?
Most anglers have a favorite water that they would rather fish if given the chance. Me, I don’t have a favorite lake, stream, river or pond. Instead I like certain situations, a certain piece of water that challenges me. I tend to look for these places when fishing on my own. I will pass up water that I know I will catch fish in just to challenge myself. Whether it is a lake, river, or pond I will find a challenging aspect to keep my interest up. One of my top five favorite is a … [Read more...]
Reading The Water
There are many different facets to fly fishing. So many that learning them all in one lifetime is close to impossible. Once you think you have mastered trout fishing, someone then takes you steelhead fishing and everything changes. Now think about adding salt water fishing, bass fishing, and maybe some salmon fishing. Then you have fly tying in all its glory with different fly patterns, materials, hooks and other paraphernalia. So, you can never stop learning. Master one and a new one … [Read more...]
Fall River Mills, California: Fly Fishing Season Opener 2018
Season opener 2018 (The 2019 Season is underway starting Saturday April 27. Expect a new post and updated fishing report that weekend) Here it is again the beginning of another fishing season in Fall River Mills California. And it has been a good one so far. We are coming off some good winter fishing where we had good numbers of huge native fish being taken on our local lakes found in and around the Fall River Valley. After battling snow, rain, and more then our share of wind it will be nice to … [Read more...]
2014 Fly Fishing Opener on Fall River
Opening Day ReportThe 2014 Fly Fishing Trout Opener on Fall River can be a warm, dry spring-like experience, or downright freezing! This year, those who fended off the wind and rain were rewarded with some pretty decent fishing on the Fall River for the opening day of the 2014 general trout season. Saturday started out with ice-covered boat seats and temperatures in the high-20’s. By the time we reached the first fishing spot, the temp had raised to the mid-30’s. After seeing only a few fish … [Read more...]
Fall Fishing Update
Wow...what a season we've had! We have fished through every type of weather from cold, rainy days through 100 degree heat waves and every system in between! The last few days have been warm, but for the most part I think we are well on our way to Autumn. With Autumn comes the tail-end of our general season, so I thought it was high time to post an update on the Nor-Cal fishing...Fall River- The Fall has been really good...we've picked up good numbers of fish, fairly good-sized, too. To … [Read more...]
Big Trout on the Fall River
Fall River has been kicking out some really big fish lately, and in good numbers. The weeds are starting to come up higher in the water column, which means the break-off has started. The days are starting to get hotter and longer, which also means the window on the dry fly fishing is starting to slow down a little. However, when one window closes another one opens, and so does the opportunity for other styles of fishing.Here is one of my favorites…. Most people - if given the chance - will … [Read more...]
“Off the Beaten Path”
The major fisheries - Fall River, Pit River, McCloud, and Sacramento River system – seem to get hit with the majority of the fishing traffic. However, there are many out-of-the-way destinations that do not receive the fishing pressure that blue-ribbon streams seem to get. The fish may not always be as big, but they are as plentiful and just as eager to take a fly! As with all trout fishing areas, these waters are often hidden away in the back country. They may take a little more effort to reach … [Read more...]