What is a "Mend" and how important is it to your fishing game?In fly fishing, "mending" is the act of repositioning fly line on moving water, followed by a line feeding technique. This allows your fly to reach its destination, without drag. Mending line allows for a natural drift or presentation.Or mending can be used to allow a sinking line to drop faster, without resistance, achieving maximum depth. Mending in most fly-fishing scenarios where trout is the target species, is a must. A … [Read more...]
How To Trick Summertime Trout
When the heat picks up a lot of anglers give up on fishing. Just because the temperature picks up does not mean the fishing has to stop. Trying to trick summertime trout does not have to be as hard as people make it out to be. First you must have reasonable expectations as to how your day will go. Obviously early and late in the day are your better windows of opportunity. So now you need to think a little bit differently. Every body of water is going to have its own personality and no two … [Read more...]