Upper Sacramento River The Upper Sac is in great shape, and the wading is no longer combat style. With more run off to continue for a while the water temp and level should remain exceptional for a little while longer. Not seeing as many Golden Stones as I had earlier in the season. But have been picking up fish on other bugs. Also, the evening dry fly fishing has been pretty good and worth sticking around for. Short line nymphing has been good and getting the fly down fast is the key. With the … [Read more...]
Fly Fishing Secrets: What Is A Transitional Gradient?
Most anglers have a favorite water that they would rather fish if given the chance. Me, I don’t have a favorite lake, stream, river or pond. Instead I like certain situations, a certain piece of water that challenges me. I tend to look for these places when fishing on my own. I will pass up water that I know I will catch fish in just to challenge myself. Whether it is a lake, river, or pond I will find a challenging aspect to keep my interest up. One of my top five favorite is a … [Read more...]
Fishing Report August 21: Fall River, Pit River, McCloud
FIRE, SMOKE & FISH I have been fielding a lot of calls lately about the fires. I want to thank all of you who have called to check on me and to offer assistance should I need it. The hat fire had me on edge for a few days, but the fire crews were able to get it under control quickly keeping it away from any structures. The fire coupled with the loss of power and road closures made it a little stressful. Things here at this end of the state are slowly getting back to normal. Despite the smoke … [Read more...]